CC THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, 1934 22 Rll. Von Elm in Baden Golfing Exhibition Today AND DOG TRACK RESULTS Nice Company-Glorious Country nnim EI Cerrlto Results Baden Results FIRST RACK Three-sixteenths. FIRST Jolly Gng. HIT BALL ON DOWN STROKE, JONES' ADVICE U.40, $6.
Red Pal. $54(1, $3.40. P.P. Off Mi Str. lln, Index I)og Time, :20.
Quinella. S71.UO. Miss Fulton .6 5 ..9 13 100 Par Van .8 4 1 2 3 2 3 .,3 3 nk 120 Red Carrw ...1 8 4 3 Brlndle Side, 19-2U. Lillian C. $7.40 7.8U.
Garden City Lad. SR. riL. BLACK. FINGER WILL OPPOSE yiSniGSTAR Orin Davison Will Pair With 'Business Man Golfer' in Opposition to Home Pair 120 (rook Tall ....0 7 4 8ft 101.20.
Niftr Red ,,,.4 9 8 6ft Ho.val Fox ..5 1 ..6 7 2 120 Itnnald's Gift. .7 ,,9 82 1(10 3 6 7 9 THIRD Five sixteenths: J39.00. $08. $5 40. Master Snark, $1.1 $12.
Traffic Lights. $0.40. Tim. Quinella, $108.40. 01IRTH Puturlt: Mr 7.11,-h 1on 5- Many Average Golfers Err in Time.
:19 4-r. Miss Fulton, S5.HU. S1.2U, S.I.UO: Par Vim, $14, SO. 40; Meadows Red. S5.
Miss Fulton much the best. Par Van made good effort. Meadows Red Just lasted. $4.00. Elk's Purple, $7, $4.
Cheer! ful Event, $8.40. Time, :20 3-4. Quinella. Trying to Get Pellet Up by 1IFTH Pive-alxteenthuT Mad Vlr 141. M5CONP RACK Futurity.
Index log P.P. Off Str. FliT $8.40, $4.80, $3.60. Agile Spurt, $7. $3.40.
Pinioned Side. $0.20. Time, :33. Quinella, $28.40. SIXTH Futurity: Jew Bub.
$12.80. $6.80. $5.60. Cantaln Bob. SH 40.
Sin. 1 1 2 3 34 42 5 3 6 1 78 Flying Hoop, $7 Time, :29 3-6. Quinella. $48. 123 The Canary ..8 3 102 Lateral 9 4 120 Cain Chin .,..4 8 Dark Night ...5 7 130 Good Hoite ...1 1 Charlie's Iinage.3 2 121 Mike Massie .7 5 191 fit.
Hure 8 8 121 Peggy Column. 2 9 SKVEJiTII Five-sixteenths: Shasta A Meadows, $2.1.80, $15.60, $3.60: Jim Fee-nv. $7.80. $1.80: Phar Lap, $.1.60. 18.
Quinella. $81.50. Double nntions on fifth and seventh, $44. Scratched Time, 2-5. The Canary.
S24.H0. S1A.60: 18.40: Lateral. $8, Stt.80: Chin Chin. 83.80. The Canary got op In closing stride.
Lateral took lead and leafed In. CWn Chin made good effort. EIGHTH Futurity: Cinderella Caress, 24.40. $12.80. $5.40: Lady Haiard.
$8.40. 3.60: Miss Just Andrew. SO. Time, "a By Harry M. Hayward The "auld marster" and his brightest pupil combine today at the California Golf Club, Baden, to repulse advances of a most dangerous golfing team.
'Twill be a case of "Auld Jawn" Black and young Jack Finger opposing none other than the great "business man golfer," George Von Elm, and Orin Davison. Von Elm, visiting here on busi 2-5. Quinella. $70.40. 142.
THIRD RACE Futurity. NIMH Five-sixteenths: Uabel Todd. Index Dog P.P. Off Mi Btr. Fin.
$0.40. $4.40. $.1.20: E. L. $3.40, $2.60: Lady's Career.
$2.80. Time. 2-5. Quinella. 10.20.
TfNTH Futur tv: King's Andv 1R 80. 112 Patrol Marshal 8 3 Ink 122 Only Herold 4 4 2 nk 122 Stake 2 2 8 3 nk 122Kar-a-Va 6 4 1 1 4 1 opey tan .9 9 6 ft ft 3 Chespa 11 2 1 7 7 6 4 121 Max Baer ...,7 7 6 6 7 124 Snot Cashoo ,.4 5 8 122 Jolly Roger .8 3 9 $11, Maid of Grey. $0.40, $fl: War Ridge, $3, $3.60. Time, :29 2-5. Quinella, $30.
ELEVENTH Futurity: Happy Laddie. $4. $5, Golden Hoop. $5, $3.60: Circuit Court, $4. Time, Quinella.
$22.20. Time. Patrol Marshal. SI7.20. HA DEN' ENTRIES.
Wrdiiesdnl. IMurek '11. in I ness appertaining to the tire Industry, will have an able partner in 8.I0. S4.20: Only llerold. S8.80.
S4.60: (la order el The Examiner Handleapper's Stake Winner, 13.00. Patrol Marshal ran wide, got up In time. Only llerold eut-gnmed. Stake Winner faltered. Davison and their 18-hole battle selections.) FIRST 3-16 mllet P.p.
i rr with Finger and "Auld Jawn" 143 FOCRTH BACF. Five-sixteenths: Adopted Daughter 5i3 Point 7 Skyline ill I'riimiM-t. should attract a banner gallery. Index Dog P.P. Off Str.
tin. Real Laddie HfDon I'acueee 1 cummins 4Pilot traffic Uuck 9 1 Also, Sandswitt. nr.vv.1, xuiuruy: Hitting From Under It By Bobby Jones (The only man whs rr held the Amu-Iran amateur and a pro championship and British amateur and open championship In one rear.) If a vote should be taken among all so-called average golfers, asking each to name his chief golfing difficulty, the chances are that the following nominations would appear near the head of the list: 1 To get a ball up from a close lie in the fairway with a brassle or number one Iron. I To stop a pitch on a firm green. To play any Iron shot Into a head wind.
These are the three particulars in which the golfing army as a whole is most deficient And all because it takes a fairly good player to hit the ball a descending blow without cutting across it severely. Although some few players have found that a little extra length can be had by hitting a teed ball slightly upward, the statement may be taken for truth that no normal golf shot is ever properly struck in this way. Those who attempt it are gambling an important loss of control against a relatively insignificant gain in distance. BESTJLTS POOR. I doubt if there Is any player who steps up to any shot with the intention of hitting It upward.
But In certain circ*mstances, when he suddenly realises that something must be done to make the ball get up, the Impulse to lift It overpowers him. Whether the Intention Is there or not the result Is the same. Major Collins Gardmor 123 Pay Clerk .,,.4 2 1 1 18 11.1 Daily Cash ft 2 123 Gallant Star .6 8 8 A .11 Harney. 9 II ft 3 4 4 Shnkalas 8 7 4 ft ft 1 122 Sleepy Moon ,.7 4 3 4 8 1 123 Tynicnl Kit 8 9 9 7 1 Wichita Beaenn.l 1 6 7 8 2 Captain 3 3 7 8 9 Ernest Ingold arranged the foursome and club officials have announced the exhibition will be open to the general public with no gallery fees being charged. They start at 1:30 p.
m. Golfing fans really have much in sonnj's Reminder. The Ooer A Brltta Marsh 7 Snap Traffic 1 All Alone Layde 4 Also. Atlantic Flight. Little Tsots THIRD Fut iiritv, Time.
:33. I'nv Clerk. Sl SS. H4.40 Mnner 4 Mr. Blue Hearea.
8 Skinner Hil'lper Wild 8 Indian I'nsrt 1 Knnl Uania, 1 Dally Cash, $6.20. 5: Gallant Star. 14.20. pay t'lcrk. away fast, won unextended store during the recent week what with the opportunity of witnessing the exhibition at California Club Dally Cash raced evenly.
Gallant Star Jlinmie 61 Drastic Ann lip g. III By J. P. Cuenin There are two things the trout and black bass angler must have If he is to be successful. One of these is a knowledge of the habits ot the fish he is seeking so that he will know what lure to use and where to place it, and the other is casting skill that will enable him to drop his lure where it Is likely to do the most good.
To know that a trout is lying below rock will not help the angler very much unless he can place his fly over or near the fish, to be able to cast accurately will not bring home many fish unless the caster knows where to lay his fly on the water. In later articles we will take up the matter of where to cast under the varying conditions found during different parts of the season, but in the meantime and so that novices may have time to learn before the season opens, we will go Into the subject of how to cast a fly. Fit of Line to Rod Important The first thing to be considered by the beginner at fly fishing, or the man who has been at the game for a time without the help of coaching, is the fit of the line to the rod. A fly rod is a spring and It Is the spring of the rod that throws the line. If the line is not of the proper weight the maximum spring power of the bamboo Is not used.
When a back cast is made the weight of the line should bend the tip backward so that it can spring forward and give the required impetus to the line on the forward cast If the line Is too light, which Is usually the case, the power of the rod Is not used, and if the line Is too heavy the rod Is over-loaded and there is not enough spring power to send the line through the air. We cannot set down any hard and fast rules about the sizes of lines that will be suitable for fly rods of different weights and lengths, for there can be considerable difference in the spring power found In two rods of exactly the same weight and length. Lic Size Smaller May Be Necessary From a rod 9 to 9 feet in length and weighing from 5 to 5H ounces, a size line will fit in most instances, while rods of that length weighing from 5 to 6 ounces require a size line. For the powerful steelhead rods weighing from 6 to 7 ounces a size line will be needed. With rods of the weights and lengths given a line one size smaller may be necessary if the rod is very eofe or limber.
For rods lighter than those named a size line will usually be found satisfactory unless the rod happens to be one of those extremely lights things that are sometimes made. Except for the purpose of mak bold Canpa 61 Also, Helen. FOL'KTH A.1M mile: closet! fast, 14-1 FIFTH RACK Futurity: today and City Championship quar Jnmore OlPetfect Day 8 Timid Sheik 31 Sandy 3 Index Dog P.P. Off Mi Str. Fin.
ter-finals next Sunday at Harding 125 Street Scene ..4 3 2 2 Ink Park. Hrigiit Side A Raleigh 9 The Deer 7 Fast Pal i Mgger Warrior, 41 Also, Billy King. Title fllghters will play 36 holes mi ii I iituriiy Kate Andrews 3IReigh Count Sunday, first 18 starting at 9 a. with the second 18 getting urfder 1 17 Simon ,1 2 1 1 2 2 102 Proper ft 7 ft 4 S3 110 Traffic Center. 8 8 "6 3 4 3 Jolly Grey ,...7 9 7 6 5 3 Fnro I 1 3 ft 8 4 1 26 Hrenuan 2 4 8 7 7 121 Sam Iloi It 7 8 12IHiOHnn 6 6 4" Max Srhmelling.
1 Chuha 8 Mister I'nlll A llamiv Plem 7 way at 1 p. m. llashy Haft 2 Front Page Dare Nefas Also, Just Pedro. SIXTH 6-10 mile: Glides Moll 71 Rowdy Dow 1 Charity Ann 6.lerry Hawke 4 Son In Law OLYMPIC CLUB Time. Street Scene.
Si Sit SO. 84.40: Simon. S.I. 40, Proper Vision. 't.
Street Scene won driving. Simon was outgamed. Proper Vision, Sam Hon and Mrs. C. J.
Wood won the 54-hole Dusty Burr (I Black Allah Kltn Lee 21 Also, Vivian C. medal tournament which ended yes nrosna piillctt nn In the back stretch, 145 S1XT1IRACF Five-sixteenths: I ut tirtty i terday at the California Golf Club. Lassies Chief 7 Suurrow Buster 3 Index Dog P.P. Off V. Str.
Fin, Porters Dream 4 She had a net total of 239. Mrs. Pepper Boy 1 Tick On 1 Prince Don Succeed A Hazel Hutt was runner-up with 242. Pioneer Queen 6 Blaek Anssle 81 Also, HI Officer. Leaders in the day sweepstakes 125 Judy's Man ft 4 1 1 25 Porter's Dream.
I) 6 4 3 JOT Freddy Pratt. .2 1 ft ft 125 Indian Warrior.O 7 3 4 12.1 Lady llromley. 4 3 2 125 Racing Hilts ..7 8 8 6 3 1 4 1 ft 3 follow: EIGHTH 3-18 mile: Warneke 21 May 13th 8 Kashmir Hawke. AlSafe Side Class A Miss Dorothy Traunr. 81.
low 8 A. (TOSS) Mrs. C. II. Purrell, 86-12-71: Mrs, A.
O. St. Clair. lied Skipper 3 Charlies Footstep 4 Success 01 Dumb Senstor Truffle Leader 71 Also. Par Ball.
Patricia Jean. .3 '5 Indian Officer 8 9 1 2.1 Indian Royal 1 2 stumbled 7 stumbled 8 stumbled 9 Class Mrs. C. J. Wood.
9.1-18-75 Mrs. J. O. Beard. 1: Mrs.
E. 1. a i. MM futurity: Time. Judy's Man.
S4.40 Bayne, 101-l-82i Mrs. L. M. Ducommon, 83.401 Porter's Dream, S8.20. St.OOi Fred- ay i rau,
v's ,11 a a hail ennm-li Class Mrs. T. A. Thatcher. IM-27- wii'Miii-r iinurrn mils neien White Sheik 1 1 Flying A 0 Shadir Mont 71 Battle Jack 4 Cobra Queen A'Knap Sack nigg*r Head Dusky Babe.
I'li-VTII lerl. Porter Dream closed gamely. Indian Royal took out Patrician Jean and A8 Mrs. llaiel Hutt. Mrs.
C. K. Jelse. 111-31-KOt Mrs. L.
Alt. 111- innmn nicer at ine first turn. 31-80. 146 SF.VENTH RACK Futnrlty. Excepting only the drive and the long shots from the fairway when the maximum length is desired, every stroke in the game should be played so that the club meets the ball while still in its descending arc The angle of descent varies from the brassie shot which merely shaves the ground, to the mashie-nibllc shot, which takes up Str.
Fin. Glasler Point H'Bud Holland 4 Soty 7 1 Ebony Jack I Gallant Rock Frisky Mickey 2 Kelly Ann Motor Bus A Cactus J-ad III Also. Lucky Will B. .3 LINCOLN PARK Mrs. Frank Hayman shot an 87 1 1 ft Slit Index.
Do. P.P. Off if, 124 Mia Ml 1 126 Invidious 5 6 3 126 Pay Off 6 4 8 122 11111 7 8 6 4 126 Straightaway ,.2 7 4 126 Lucky Mahout ,.4 9 7 Sir Robert 1 1 2 Hilly Mahout .3 6 6 124 Junnlta 8 3 to win low gross trophy in the Lincoln Park women's sweepstakes golf 2 1 I 4 2 ft 2 8 1 7 3 8 9 tournament yesterday. Other lead r. I.
ir.Rnni, (Graded in order of handleapner'a choice.) FIRST Three-sixteenths sf mile. P.P., P.P. Ellva Jane 7 1 Newt Fulton 4 Caperton Carver. 21 Cherry I Sully Forth Hllady Ml, fret 10 Betty Warrior AIGIoomy Gog I Madam Olilroken 3 av.wn 1 ers follow a slat) oi a mvot. nut me spin I imparted by the downward blow Time :29 4-5.
Mia Mia Wllkle, SI6.60 wmm i is needed to control the fight of 86.20. S4.20: invidious, 810.20. 4.2ni Pay Off, 83. Ml Mia Wllkle away fast, won the ball. easily.
Invidious saved ground. Pay Off vs. in iiriu P.P.1 T.P. Wicked Dust Gilded Silver Pioneer 7 1 Over Rated I Pl.u IIxum 1 Illl.n nnnenen nr, itrst turn. 147 EIGHTH RACE FlTe sixteenths: Do you want to know the approved method ot getting a long Index Dog T.P.
Off Mi Str. Fin 128 Buddy Hawke 3 6 ft Ins roll off the tee or ot making a Steel Head 2, Black Fachu 3 Paddy Move 4 Berkeley Flash 8 THIRD Five-sixteenths of a mile. P.P. 127 J.lttle Ranger 1 1 2 y. quick ttopping shot? Then tend for Bobby Jones' leaflet, "Hitting the ball." Just enclose a three-cent ia retr O'Cnnr.
4 3 1 128 Van Pieman 2.1 2 8 41 127 Iowa Chleftaln.8 6 6 4 5 4 127 Herman ft 4 3 8 6 3 Rickett's Blue 9 8 7 7 7 3 128 Lady's Laddie 7 7 8 8 stamped, self-addressed envelope. Class A Mrs. William Blgelow. 89-tfl-73i Mrs. John Victor, 91-16-75) Mrs.
Walter McCarthy, 92-16-76. Class Mrs. E. L. Jaeobson, 80; Mrs.
L. Martin. 95-22-731 Mrs. J. flag-non, 92-19-731 Mrs.
George Tyler, 93-19-74: George Kane. 94-18-76. Class Mrs. B. J.
Ringner, 95: Mrs. Herbert Meyer. 10-23-79: Mrs. Carl Peterson. 106-25-851 Mrs.
Robert Bird. 105-23-82. PRESIDIO CLUB Mrs. Walter Haas won the flag tournament held by Presidio Golf Club women yesterday when she planted her banner on the nineteenth fairway. Other leaders were Mrs.
Herbert Schmidt, eighteenth green; Mrs. T. B. Hunter, seventeenth cup; Mrs. Paul Kelly, Mrs.
H. Q. Hawes and Mrs. C. D.
Plank, seventeenth green. EL CAMINO CLUB Time :32 1-5. Buddy 16.65 Mrs. Dieckmann 84.00, 8.1.40. Little Kon-er 88 0.
85.20, Peter O'Connor. 8.1.80. Buddy Hawk got Miss Parson is a horse owner and trainer in her own right. She knows those hosses and their ways. And she has a particular liking for Seth's Hope.
That was why the welcome. HERE WE HAVE Seth's Hope arriving for the Tanforan meeting which gets under way March 29. The horse, owned by J. A. Parson was greeted on arrival by Daisy Parson, the owner's daughter.
up in last stride. Little Ranger, headed came again, Peter O'Connor took lead no excuses. Judge Brady, Red Meyers scratched. 148 NTNTH RACE Futurity: P.P. Off Str.
Fin Index Dog Why Mac SIMack's 7 Joplln Globe IjCharlie the Im Judy 4Gullant Pa 10 Pat. Leather Kid. 2Monterey Tip Dragon AIMIss Belmont 9 FOIRTH Futurity. P.P. I P.P.
Dlek the Lady Beatrice 7 Pennant 4Ilin Pockets 3 Hercules 10! Sport Model 9 Ocean Rover StlFlylng Commander 8 Mr. II. Miss Purina FIFTH Five-sixteenths ef mile, P.P.I P.P. Guldnlg Pole 3i Gallant Life Pete Jordan 9Gallant Play ....10 Fresno Ridge 4Dlamond Campbell It Gy Cy AlWild Dnlan 7 Clipper lSam Mage SIXTH Fntnrlty. P.l'.l F.P.
Tong War 8 Ruff Cut Snoopy Sadie Frisco Call 8 Ford 8 Foxle Rose 1 'Glide's Dance 1 SEVENTH Five-sixteenths of mile. P.P.I P.P. Polka Dot 7'Vinlct Ray 8 Patsy Bingham SIEgn 8 11 13 8 4 32 0 8 8 nk Bonnie Grafton May Race in Inaugural 9 4nk 8 7 Snk 4 4 1114 120 Sheik's Pride. 1 128 Galloping Gael 4 128 Olive Gay 8 Tom Finn 8 128 Jolly Man 7 118 Jcwett. 8 128 Wllkle Wonder A 128 Irish Pick.
2 1 0t Denny Mornn 8 7 8 7 1 8 9 8 1 8 8 8 Winning Golfer Miss Anita Dieckmann won low net prize in the Claremont Country Club sweepstakes held yesterday by Claremont Country Club women. She carded 96-1482. Other leaders: Class Mrs. Wy-man Taylorm, 91-883; Miss Dorothy Stevenson, 99-1683; Miss Cyn-thian Pike, 92-785; Mrs. George Barry, 100-1585.
Class Miss Barbara McCaffery, 99-1782; Mrs. A. J. Hanco*ck, 103-1984; Mrs. R.
P. Sellman, 106-20 86; Mrs. Charles Brandenburg, 114-2886. ST CALIFORNIA CLUB Mrs. Courtney Moore won the (Continued From Page 20.) T.
WAJ.KKR Al Joloon, Mild, Ptraleht- WII.MAM HKCTOR Fuat Budnet, ing what we call "shooting" lines, which are spliced to the rear ends of steelhead fly lines, there is no use at ail for lines in sizes and yet judging from the hundreds of rods I have been asked to test, I believe that fully 75 per cent of the fly lines in use are of those almost worthless and sizes. In the articles on fly casting to follow I will go fully into the lift, back cast, forward cast, shoot, roll cast, etc but before we begin I want to impress upon fly fishermen that they will never learn to cast properly unless their lines fit their rods, Bill Adrian of the Golden Gate Angling and Casting Club is the swimmin'est angler I know. He usually "falls in" on the opening day of the season. Jen de liar. Rlurk Caster.
avvny. Time :20. Sheik's Pride. 83.80 MONDAY BERNSTEIN fireen Belh (18.211 KR ilni Gullnnlnz Gael. 88.80.
$1 T. 1)1 HON Clinke, Broadway Breeie nllri. Car. 8X20. Sheik's Pride off fast.
Mrs. Don Scally won the best nine-hole golf tournament held by El Camino Golf Club women yesterday when she carded 37-730. Other leaders were Mrs. Roy Cook, 38- 632, and Mrs. Roy Bozeman, 39- 4-35.
Don Grant. Manntnh an hugged Galloping Gael bore out. McLEAN Si HASKELL Warring. Ida good effort. Olive Gay bore out, bumped 8.
Arffnn. Dublin Castle 21 Jim Ferns closed fast. EST ES My Own Lad. Fly Fast ..10 Connemara 9Bill's Choice 140 TENTH RACE Futurity nnrdle; Silk Covering. F.mery.
W. MILLERHK Chatter On. a. ADAMS I'fnrme. Str.
Fin, P.P. Off Index Dos Dr. Camphell 1 1 Model A EIGHTH Fntnrlty. P.P.I Jew Shadow SWar Ship 1 2 B. BKOADFOOT Bowcroft.
Shields P.P. 7 1 1 3 Major Blit II Jib Top Dearlrne 41 Hidden Night Steeple Grey ABroadcaster 100 Frisky Fashn. 2 3 129 Frosty Fashn. 7 0 Lodl News 1 1 120 Royal Eagle. 8 4 120 Pry Dock 4 2 110 Robert Hawke 8 8 120 Tight 8 8 120 Roneour 9 8 lIBTdfl 6 7 7,.
E. McfiKKr.OR Smokv. Irene Eilna Shin, Cryntnl Flyer. I'rank K. J.
NAZHOKTHV Dupee, Old Klckapoo. Hendu I). V. THOMAS Annie Ormont, Servini Lad. OEORCE FIELDS Boa ton Kiddy, BilTa, Thunder On.
ROY FISHER Brown Bank, Tom Proctor. J. KYNK Winter Neighbor. M. r.
WILLIAMS Andale. Motor Brit. W. FINXKHAN Orana, Cordita, Lan-gar. Xt.
Kelley. Morintg. STAR BICKLAM) Wichita Clt. Peggy Bnrham, Thiatlt Dick, Loini Clon. PreTiie.
STEVE (CDONNELL Inea. W. H. I)K Prince Julinn. Fair Roue.
lON CAMERON Star Flash, Hidden Gold, Gold Set. L. COI'EMIATER Royal Julian. Clear star. Argue, Chief Almgren, Flyck, Ella Madeline, Blue Luke, Malicious, Booster Twist.
Kanld Bells. Aneelot. V. I ITTI.F Red Mountain, Millard. La (trance.
Hildur Rock. secretary at the border track, will occupy the same position at Tanforan. Walter Marty, chief of the parl-mutucl department, ar-rived by plane. George W. Schilling, who will be presiding steward at Tanforan, is scheduled to arrive today.
Th following owner and hones arrived at Tnnforan rtfrdny! JACK ATKINS ho*rfnl Jane. Patoka, Scaford. Sanson. Onrush, The Flower, St. Carl, Zuthen.
Bonhnnest. Knhlnn 11.. Ca-reHH. Opium, Little Heel, All Pevll, I'emilo, Ciiotodinn, Ben Hill, BrlKht Knot, Bud Broom, Buddimcton, Ooriet, Kent, (saddle 1'onv. A.
JONES (trnlner) Anna Rochester, I. berty Shot. White Bread. Little Satin, Flum Elector, Gold Claap, Edla Wood, Sir Satan. 4H AS 8 1 7 1 8 0 "blind nine" hole golfing tourna Valley.
J. P. JORGENSEN Banetta. E. DRII.I.ON North Shadow.
Gene Dunes, Mnilllw, Golden Sun, Swifty, Susie Price, Baby Ban. J. L. SCOHEY Night Flash. Prom Girl.
Ina Line, Far street, pop. Kbit Caress, King at Ilnatxin. (ialinrta. R. C.
STABLE (ioldcn Crystal. Red Comet, Lady Miss Trover. Crystal Image, Rare Crystal, Crystal Beauty, ment held by California Club women Bike Riders in FMake Fans (Continued From Page 20.) the field that McCoy would be certain to wear out during the final night But, on the final night, he rode like a veteran, staying as BERNAL HEIGHTS WIN yesterday when she carded 48-5 42. Mrs. John Corkery took putting trophy with 25 strokes.
Other Time :30. Frisky Fashion. 822.80. 88.00, 81.20. Frosty Fashion, 14.20.
83. Lodl News. 83.60. Frisky Fashion won handily. Frosty Fashion closed fast.
Bernal Heights branch team of the San Francisco Boys' Club Bas leaders were Mrs. R. C. Stevens, I. A.
rAKsuji Clarahel muck Fllglit, Fair Orhy. Heths Hope. Katie Bell, Lady Seth, Quick Return, Pretty Quick. ketball League defeated the Pirates, 55-1243, and Mrs. W.
H. Lewis, NINTH Flve-sixteentns mm. p.i'.i r-r. Cinsret 8 1 Fortune Fonnd 7 Jim Britt 6i Haiard Maid 8 Wanderlust II Jerry Doland 8 Another Con 21 Kansas Ghost TENTH Futurity. P.P.I P.P.
Caahen Sid SI Dick Kollmsr Gus Piper Please Hurry 1 Speedo 7ILightnlng Win Jew Bug 8Csptain Bob 4 ELEVENTH Futurity hurdle. P.P. P.P. Tale Bub 1 1 Jennie Lynn 4 Knt. Commander, tti Bud's Buck Vance Skinny Life Black Lsd Denmark 7 Cashier ft lust Duke Best bet Guiding Pole.
149-643. sturdy as a clock until the 12 o'clock gun which ended the event Horse-oscope Selections By GOOD CHANCE. with himself and Vankempen as Results RACE TRACKS Entries winners. When the gun sounded. he slowed down, and almost fell off TROPICAL PARK SELECTIONS.
THIRD Six furlongs; 3 year olds. I TROPICAL PARK RKSl'LTg We" Bullt' Stroth' iMugnes), .,00 2.60 2.80 i inger and Soim tar also ran iriger and Scimitar alao ran. aiut; juiiyuu. Aivi -uoieiess 11 tj 1'IRfeT furiones, 3 year olds and up. tin HiKh, 115 (Meade) 11.80 3.00 2.50 VlWinu, 119 (Jones) 2-40 2.20 Carolyn, 104 (Hrbt) 6.40 4 20 Hiprh Hatter, 109 4.60 his bike.
Trainers had to hold him up through the ceremonies In honor of the victors. But he rode the race out, like a champion quarter miler, timing himself so that he HOUSTON ENTRIES. FIRST Four 0 -ij. 1 Sing-ins; Heart, Transen, Oneill. 2 Lofty Lady, Hasty Belle, Pass.
3 Shuffle On, Dolice, Tremolo. 4 Falrfield-Kilmer Entry, Star Blllle's Orphan, 105 (Hntr) 2.70 Vassal 102 iMarv I.itch 1 0.1 Time 1:12. Chimney Top. Political. Caveney Plans Test for Hurlers (Continued From Page 20.) ers have Been able to get him out since the spring season started.
Cuio was given a difficult assignment today and he carried it off in great style, at least, he tried his hardest to carry it off. Cuio was asked by Bobby Johnson to find 40 feet of foul line and bring it to Jimmy Caveney. Cuio searched all over the clubhouse for the 40 feet of foul line, but had to face his skipper and admit that he could not find it Dolice llOI'Theron 108 Nourrice 115 Transverse HOlShake 105 Shuffle On 1151 FOIRTH Four furlongs; 8 year olds. Star Glow HSitSun Caprice. .115 Over Stimulate.
115 Sand Cloud 115Beginners' Bait. 115 Last Minute Selection. .116 tTry Sympathy, 116 1 tFairfield Stable and W. 8. Kilmer entry.
Glow, Synod. finished at his best though he prac 6 Fairly Wild, Chuck Brass tically collapsed after breaking the Later On 110! Just Marie 107 Watcherun 99IPetroniaB 103 Black Anna 107Jay 109 x. 6 frloni.s; 3 year olds up. Noble Tiller 102 Chauvenism B7Joe Geary 98 l()2Moroi ....117 1-ncl Less J17IBItter Boot 107 Winning Woman. 102 K'hica 105 Monkey.
6 Balthasai, Political, Lauretta tape. McNamara Admits He Is 44; Is Older Still Due to Illness RIVERSIDE, March 20. (AP) William Lane, owner of the Hollywood Stars of the Pacific Coast League, said he received a letter late today from Otis Brannan, veteran second baseman, asking to be placed on the voluntary retired list because of Illness. Nash. FIFTH 114 miles; 4 year olds up.
jMan, xom jacs Pa-tro' atirl Nawab also ran. SECOND 6 rurlongs, 8 year olds up Chance Line, 110 (Jonea). .3.30 2.60 2.20 The Triumvir. 110 (Couoci). 4.20 2.50 Biography.
110 2.30 Time 1:11. Wild Rosebud. Bards-town, King Holllster. Mr. Boss, Teeny We'-ny.
Curling also ran. THIRD 6 furiones, 3 year olds and up. Happy Scot, 116 ,6.30 3.70 .1.30 Don't Blush, 110 3.60 4.00 Hasty Peter 108 6.40 Time. 1:13 3-5. Rock Coventry.
The General, Margie Lou, Steel, Try Fair. Nitten Jiancy also ran. FOURTH 4 furlongs. 2 vear nlrts Rowdy Boy UOi'Ohuck 105 7 Caerleon, Fort Dearborn, High mi 1-18 4 year olds up. Sal le Bourland.ini lOniw.
lime. Kelly's Pride, Polltian'a Best, Glen Feu, Monk's First Excellency also ran, THIRD One mile, 4 year olds and up. Popo. 109 (Dronet) 7.60 2 80 2.70 Lahor. 109 (Haas) 2.30 2.20 Lacquer.
104 (Taylor) 3.10 Time Jolly Ronald. Bettlna Plucky Lady, Winged Wind. Portmanteau also ran. FOURTH 54 furlongs. 3 year olds tip.
Brown Wiwiom. 19.1 fl.00 3.40 fp. 115 (McCune) 3.30 2.70 IndisntowV 110 .1.40 Time 1:06 2-5. Fortunate Youth, Noah's Tilde and Knockaway also ran. FIFTH 1 miles.
4 year olds and up. Brown 107 5.80 out Maltmnu. 110 (H. 6.60 nut RMtrevlcw. 107 (Kurtslnger).
out Time 1:54. Oscillation and Axis also ran. SIXTH 1 mile: 3-year-olds: Winifred Ann. .111 1'Scandal Sheet! REGGIE McNAMARA. the Idol of New Proof.
BEST Shuffle On. FLYER Political. Jork, who comes to San Francises for tne Alay nice, admits aa age of 44 years. lllSeymour Ill llllHaramzsd 111 Si4 furlongs; 4 year olds up. Sad Knight lORJicfier 108 and is said to be at least 64.
He has cracked almost every bone In his body. -une lOSlBiight Beauty. ,105 Field Goal HOlMountain Fairly Wild 105 IBrass Monkey. ..110 SIXTH One mile: 3 year olds up. Lauretta Nash.
.101 ISwInwood 113 Balthasar 1131'Redivivns 109 Miss B.II'Sweet Pal 105 Griffin 108iPolltical 106 Merrle Marie. 101 1 SEVENTH 1 1-1H miles; 4 years up. Dtmfem ll.llLone Hand Ill High i 108 Just Buck 110 Fort Dearborn. .113 1 Darkling 108 CECIL YATES, who. with "co*ckY" O'BKIEX.
made un the most, dnrinr. nil rr 104 playing On 1 0.1 OOlTrombone 108 4, mHr- 3 yar olds, tlndian Salute. Joe 101 the wildest team In the Auditorium race. Dead Eye Dick. 10H (Jonea).
9.60 5.H0 4.40 Merry Bud, 104 31.10 11.20 Rustic Joe. 106 8.70 Time Qawn Flight, Happy Helen, Migrate, Earle Maxwell, Grass Wrack also ran. FIFTH One mile, 3 year olds. Boyal Gold, 114 (Coucci). .24.00 10.00 4.10 Flying Gypey, 112 (Ltzbgr) 0.10 4.30 Off Duty, 103 3.30 riicaory Lad 00 Beckoned OOlHound Monev.
...104 117Donna James. .102 Bender First. Ill Grey Hip. 106 (Hughes). 8.10 8.48 2.80 The Tra ner.
Ill (Pascu ma) 3.60 S.20 Closing Event. 101 (Craig) 3.80 lua TO. Sachsejjmaler entry. SIXTH 6T4 furlongs: 4 -rear nM, un Sault d'Amour. .1131 Apprentice allowance claimed.
I HOUSTON RESULTS FIRST 6 furlnnes vsr nU, HOUSTON SELECTIONS. 1 Jay Mar li ten, Black Anna. 2 Bitter Root, Sarlila, Chlca. 5 Winifred Ann, PUlnita, Tout Feu. 4 Flag Bearer, Playing On, Trombone.
6 Plight-Indian Salute (eitf y), Croon, Sound Money. 6 Flo Overshoes, Anne L. 7 Polyp, Westys Fox, Happy Lad. BEST Flo M. FLYER Bender First.
Time, 1:4.1. Also ran Beech Tree, Ur Time 1:38. Appomattox, Superlette Out Bound 113lPaytt Prince. 108 chin. Amflag, Van Bank, Lone Knigbt and is taking nonus of SI 00 and transportation provided by promoters, and Is going to Chicago to bring bis mother out to San Francisco while be trains for the Hay event.
O'BRIEN, drawing a bonus of SI AO. Is taking short vacation In Los Angeles and returning la a few days to train In 8a Francisco. O'Brien, in the final night, was the fastest blkeman on the track, and, with more rxperienee, wonld have stalled off the Ian that Vankempen stele minutes before the finish. O'Brien appeared the best conditioned bay In the battle. He will he better next time.
Last time he had only one week between the six-day race be rode In New York and that which he rod here. Hluo Queen. jnne 103 Victorlum 11.1 Essential ll.ll'Flo Alleen C. 109 (Westrope). .11.20 5.
BO 3.70 Rlzla, 107 (Dronet) 6.00 4 40 Peace Junior. 118 (Krtsngr) 3.60 nnyH I UOl SEVENTH One mile: 4 year olds up. Pulls. 108 (Westrope) $23.40 7.40 5.30 Raccoon. 108 (Kurtainger).
6.80 3.60 SEVTCNTH 1 1-16 mils; 4 year Time 1:12. Precious Klne 8nannr, t. Happy 111 Westy's rati el CLUB Merry Chatter. Black Maid, Baldy, Prometheus also ran. Str.
Jacket. 103 (Hughes) 3.30 Time 1:40 2-6. Happen. Sergeant Hill, ..118 ..111 ..106 -wuipoai Thatch VARIETY! THRILLS! PRICES! ELCEfiniTO KEIIIIEL CLUB 8 and 10-dog races New Double Options! Get a Closenp Tlew of Bogs sit Display Inside Stands! Enjoy Onr Sew Club Booms 40-ernt round trip via Oreyhonnd Bus' from St a nd Mission, 8. F.
Iu, cnastity also ran. SIXTH 1 1-16 miles; 4-year-olds up: Bichloride. 108 6.10 4.40 3.40 rirusus, 110 CW. 20.00 8.20 Bub McFarland. 113 (Coucl) 3.80 Time 1:44 3-6.
Dancing Mack. Fair Crest, Calgary Kay, Peace Lady, Pernickety, Bun The Tout also ran. SEVENTH 11-10 miles: 4-year-olds up: El Puma. 108 3.10 3.40 2.80 Musln. 103 (Towell) 10.70 11.10 6.00 Moralist, 113 (Robertson).
6.00 Time. 1:45 2-6. Kibitzer. Le Ministre, Gracilis. Polar Bea, Elizabeth Fox.
Pen-eader also ran. TROPICAL FARE ENTRIES. FIRST 6tt furlongs; 3 year olds un. Expert Handicap Selections NORMAN HILL, the San Jose boy who holds the title, "world champion," because of his speed In the sprints. Is almost as big figure as "Babe" Ruth or Jack Dempsey or Max Baer In New York.
Norman la from San Jose, but San Francisco Weather Clear; Track Fast HOUSTON scarcely knew he existed ontil the boys the Auditorium rare began talking beat bum. He will ride her In May. EDDIE SAUNDERS, co-promoter of the Our bens tor Wad 106 Transen Knight. 112 Regius 105IMasked Prince. .105 Vppercut 115'Oneill 105 South San Francisco 10 RACES NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY First Post Time 8:15 P.
I. KO. 40 CAB DIRECT BIS from 5TH and MISSION Sharkey, Hamas Bout Now Looms NEW YORK, March 20. (AP) A revival of Jack Sharkey, former heavyweight champion, as a possible opponent for Steve Hamas, recent victor over Max SchmclinR, also a former t.itleholdcr, was suggested today to Charlie Harvey, Manager of Hamas. San Francisco shew.
Is San Francisco! boy. He baa been known aa an expert ticket man for any kind of shew. Hollywood promoters hare offered to build a I new arena at Wilshire and Fairfax In Ii Angeles If Saunders and Blakely will sign i to hold two races there each year, and I TOST I SECOND THIRD I FOURTH FIFTH SIXTH EVE NTH EIOHTH Jay p. ISarill IWInlfred Ann Flag Bearer iHlckory Lad Fle M. iPely Pot Een iPlaylng On ilndlan Salute 'Vletorinm lHoty Lad (BY BINDMAN) IMarylltch nele Less Haramtad iTromhon ICursor lOvershoes IWesty's For Weather CleaA, Track Fast TROPICAL PARK Mnclng Heart 'lifty T.ady Ishiiffle On iTry SymnalhylMonnf alii F.lklBlathssa ISalut d'Amour invnivnumi IHsslyBell iTremnl ISynod I Rowdy Boy itlriffin ICaerleon (BY BINDMAN) npercut iPass iNniirrleo Istar Cilow iFieldOal Itwinwosd Vfort Dearborji Party.
,.10: Stneins Heart 102 iLeroline 10 KCOl Six furlonKs: 3 year olds. Weaver Bird. 110 Mint Jiniia 115 Saunders Is leaving tonight to look ever the possibilities. Sounders stales, incidentally, that, fans have already sent In more thsa 1. 000 for reservation at the Mar IS aaditortam rids.
whoop Maid. ...110 'lasts ten. iu.