The Eunice News from Eunice, Louisiana (2024)

The Eunice (La,) News May 22, 1975 Page 5 1f75 May 22, Eunlct (La.) Pag 4 Social club celebrates fourteenth anniversary IJ li I II I I iu Freeze fresh berries to maintain quality If vg lM.I fans to area churches. Churches receiving the fans included New Zion Baptist Church, True Light Baptist Church, Golden Star Baptist Church, Second Baptist Church, St. Luke Baptist Church, Church of Cod and Christ, and the St. Luke Baptist Church In Mamou. nutrients and quality.

Fold foil to muke it air tiRht. Use freezer tape or a special wax to make some packages air tight and leak proof. Polyethelene bags may be heat sealed or closed securely with wire twists or rubber bands, Additional Information and publications on the safe preservation of foods are available from the home economist assigned to the parish office of the LSU Cooperative Extension Service. The Cooperative Extension Service is the educational agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture operating in the state through LSU, the land-grant university, and Extension agents in each parish.

If IN Qt3 SjLPlL r- Piano Teachers Should Play Second Fiddle By Abigail Van Buren Ilorricutturo Hints The Chnt-A While Social Club hold its fourteenth anniversary tea Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clifford Doyle. The table was overlaid in white. Spring flowers adorned the table as a centerpiece with silver candle holders on either side. Each end of the table was graced with a beautiful punch bowl.

Guests enjoyed refreshments of homemade cake, punch, tea, coffee, mints, nuts, and chicken salad sandwiches. A black and white portable television set was given to Mrs. Suzanne Murks for her part in a scholarship fund drive. The money raised will be used to form a scholarship for a student attending LSUE. The organization promotes civic and charitable work In the community.

The most recent project was the distribution of of sugar generally Improves the texture, If freezing vegetables, blanching is an important step, This means putting the vegetables in boiling water briefly to stop the action of the natural enzymes, Cool quickly and freeze, Use containers and packaging materials designed especially for freezing. These should be moisture and vapor-proof. Suitable materials are heavy-duty aluminum foil, freezer paper, heavily-waxed cardboard containers and special polyethelene freezer bags or containers, Materials unsuited for long-term freezing are wax paper, regular household aluminum foil and used containers from cottage cheese, ice cream or milk. Do not use mayonnaise, peanut butter, jelly or pickle jars to freeze food. Seal containers carefully to exclude air and to maintain Freezing 1b a good way to preserve strawberries, dewberries and blackberries at home, reminds Dr.

Ruth Patrick of the LSU Cooperative Extension Service, "Get the freezer ready, select quality products, use proper packaging materials and follow good techniques," urges the Extension nutritionist in listing pointers on freezing fresh fruit and vegetables, Remember, freezing can only maintain the product, it cannot Improve it. Therefore always select high quality products to freeze. To assure safety, the freezer should maintain a temperature of zero degrees F. or below. Make sure the freezer has the capacity to freeze food within a reasonable amount of time.

This usually means about two to three pounds of food per cubic foot of freezer space. Fruits may be frozen with or without sugar, However, the use Viola Simpson, Geraldine Brown, Lena Anderson, Thelma Doyle, and Vera Jacobla. Four members, Ethelrine Beans, Lena Allison, Annie Barnes, and Lillie M. Jones are not pictured. In Louisiana, the American Cancer Society sponsors a breast cancer rehabilitation program called Reach to Recovery for women undergoing breast surgery.

Volunteers, all women who have undergone similar surgery, counsel the patients on their physical, psychological and cosmetic needs. MEMBERS OF THE CHAT-A WHILE SOCIAL CLUB celebrated their fourteenth anniversary Sunday. They are, left to right, Corlta Diwre, Hazel Edwards, Ollie Alfred, Myrtle Neville, Lillie Ceasar, Mercedes Green, school. The affair offered the women an opportunity to see the evening classes in progress and gain some insight Into the courses available at the school. The students are, left to right, Ruth Skinner, John Reed, Eloise Skinner, and Lucille Richard.

Cartwrlght, center, Is instructor for the group. GEORGE CARTWRIGHT and the youngsters he trains at Eunice Vocational School are community minded. They prepare meals occasionally for non-profit groups as part of their learning experience. These students participated Jn a program in which members of the ABWA were invited for a meal and a tour of the Q. How can I tell when my terrarium needs watering? A.

You can tell by two methods, look and feel. When there's adequate moisture, moisture will collect on the sides of the cover. Too, a moist soil is usally darker in color than a dry one. Take care not to add too much water, as overwatering may kill the plants. Add an ounce of water and wait awhile to see if moisture collects on the container.

If it does not, add another ounce. -Dr. T. E. Popel LSU Extension Myrtle Neville, secretary; and Corlta Dupre, vice president.

The television which Mrs. Anderson is holding was part of a fund raising project. The money from the project is placed In a scholarship fund for an LSUE student. THE CHAT-A WHILE SOCIAL CLUB held its fourteenth anniversary tea Sunday at the home of Mrs. Clifford Doyle.

Officers of the club are, left to right, Thelma Doyle, LI a son leader; Lena Anderson, president; Grade Green, treasurer; DEAR ABBY: "Perplexed Pianist," a piano teacher, asked, "If I play a number or two at my students' recital, would I be accused of showing off?" You requested comments from experienced piano teachers. Among my former pupils are Shirley Temple, Harpo Marx and Dana Andrews, so perhaps I qualify. If the piano recital involve beginners, the teacher should not perform solo because the discrepancy between her advanced playing and that of her pupils would be too great. However, the teacher could play a duet with some of her students with the teacher playing the bass part in order to give the pupil all the "glory." Or the teacher could give a short lecture, demonstrating the various styles of playing and mentioning some of the outmoded disciplines to which kids were subjected in the past. (For example, pupils had to play while balancing a coin or button on the backs of their hands, and if the button fell off, they'd get whacked with a ruler.) Such a demonstration would be both entertaining and informative.

FELIX DE COLA Try Eunice Stores First LEGAL NOTICE ST. LANDRY PARISH SCHOOL BOARD ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS For another piano teacher's point of DEAR FELIX: view, read on: sale Daysi Q. What causes the leaves of house plants to turn yellow? A. The most common cause of yellowing of house plant leaves are overwatering and poorly drained Mils. A light loose soil composed of one-third builder's sand or perlite, one-third sphagnum peat moss and one-third loamy soil is a good mixture for most pot plants.

Allow the soil to become thoroughly dry between waterings. -Dr. T. E. Pope, LSU Extension I 8 DEAR ABBY: I have been a piano teacher for half a century, and unless times have changed, the purpose of a recital is to show the parents what their children have learned and to help the students gain confidence by performing in public.

It is definitely not to entertain the parents. If the teacher wants to "perform," let him give his own recital. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. DEAR ABBY: If you arrived at a party and saw another Assistant Manager Pray went fishing whiloQanager Fontenot went on a blackberry picking trip! Thursday, Friday end Saturday THE MANAGERS ARE OUT! THE LADIES HAVE REALLY TAEIEH OVER WHIL LUNCHROOM EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE SEALED proposals for LUNCHROOM EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE will be received at the office of the St. Landry Parish School Board, Creswell Lane, In care of the Superintendent, P.

O. Box 310, Opelousas, Louisiana, on June 3, 1975, at 10:00 a.m. The envelope containing the proposal shall be marked "SEALED PROPOSAL FOR KITCHEN EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE." The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waiver informalities. Specifications, descriptions, and quantities can be obtained from the Superintendent's Office. -s-JohnR.

Dupre John R. Dupre Superintendent St. Landry Parish School Board Publish May 22, 27, 29, 1975 woman wearing a dress exactly like the one you were LADIES wearing, what would you do? ALARM CLOCK HAPPENED TO ME UDIES CO-ORDINATED GROUPS SHOE DEPT Cheryl Miller Associate Earline Fontenot, Manager READY-TO Hi rvl MENS II A ISK.D Come in and meet our NEW MANAGEMENT TEAM FOR THIS GREAT EVENT UI31UUHI9 THROUGHOUT THIS BIG SALE! Q. Why do experts recommend changing vegetable crops on the same land every year? A. Alternating types of vegetables on the tame land prevents a buildup of soil-borne diseases and nematode! in a particular T.

E. Pope, LSU Extension WEAR Cecile Fontenot Manager 1 3x4 Dress weight Remnants 89c yard ''myir- Ethel MHIer Lingerie Dept. DEAR HAPPENED Probably the Mine thing any other woman would do. I'd manage a weak smile and utter some banality about our both having "good taste." (P.S. I would Dot, as some women have been known to do, rush home to change.) DEAR ABBY: I say "hurray" for that little old lad who got up the gumption to replace her lost dentures, even though she had- to plunder other residents of the convalescent home to do it.

I work as speech therapist in homes for the aged, and my biggest problem is that most of these old folks refuse to wear dentures even when they have them. The result is that their faces fall in, their speech becomes thick and unintelligible and they are scon limited to mushy foods. The poor dear probably thought she was robbed, so her philosophy was, "A tooth for a tooth." "SPEECHIE" DEAR SPEECHIE: Maybe so. But "he who takes what isn't his'n must give it back, or go to prison." Mfm sports REMNANTS BIKINI THONGS Sears Mildred Manuel Manager ft- If you're cheeking out when the alarm sounds, you wi receive a 10 discount off your purchase, regardless of Hem or price. SALE DAYS THURSDAY FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY! FREE 100 IVY PLANTS To the first 100 customers Thursday morning! Girls sizes Ladies sizes 7 Reg.

97 One size Panly Kass iMflIFirnsitlless Ona slza Iti all, Assortment of colon. Cecile Fontenot Manager Mildred Manuel Assistant Manager Rfta Courville Advertising Manager SPORTING GOOD HARDWARE FAflY SIZE HOUSEWARES AND SMALL APPLIANCES Alice Menard, Manager -V (R) HOME FURNISHINGS Rita Courville, Manager MEN'S SLEEVELESS TANK TOPS umene Darnonne Banion Knit Shirts SKIRTS 3" VESTS 5" SHIRTS 444 MIRR0-MATIC PRESSURE HOT AND DEAR ABBY: With reference to walk-in customers versus telephone customers, this is how I handle it: When I phone a store, I always open my inquiry with: "If you are not with a customer now, will you please help me?" Thederk says, "Yes, I can help you" or 'I'm busy now, may I take your number and call you back, or will you hold?" Then, when I am in a store and in a hurry, if the phone rings while I 'm being waited on and the salesperson makes a move to answer it, I say, "Please ask the person on the phone to wait. I was here first, and I am in a hurry." They always look a little shocked, but I don't care because I know I'm right. And if they will just stop and think, they'll agree. Manager1 3JOR 1 4qt.

Standard Model COLD CUPS 100 nvlon banion. short slaava PoRshed Aluminum ll88 Assarted colors and Prints. Sizes S-ML-XI. knit shirt. Ribbed body, trimmed 77 WINDOW SHADES 2 FOR collar v-necK piacmi.

nej-ular $6.99. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Coleman PROPANE A FUEL 3) I have also been a salesperson, so I've been on both sides LADIES SHELLS 466 SHREDDED FOAM 16 oi. Bag of the counter. oo II Men's Walk Shorts HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Reg.

34" ft "SELDOM STANDIN' AND WAITIN 137 Reg.5c each Site 37'j" White (Inly UMlilaMj Reg. 3c Each Umft 2 DEAR SELDOM: Your system makes sense for telephone shoppers, walk-in customers and clerks. Thanks for the sensible suggestion. 50 polyester50 cotton, solid colors, frayed legs, walk shorts with contrast stitching. Sizes 28 to 38.

Regular $5.99. 60 Amel IR.4 OI. FiU Coleman UEWELRY AND MUSIC ttl heaters, stoves Foam Bed Pillows Prints and lanterns. Pastel PUTDOORS SWAN HEALTH AND BEAUTY ary Guillory Manager r7s 1111 PLANTERS )) Light Bulbs (01 AND AUTO nrri AIDS Shirley Martel, Manager Reg. 4." J- JULimE AM 3SNylon Short Sleeve Sizes S-M- LADIES JQPS 397 SALE! Save 50 on a 1.5.2 Cu.

Ft. Frostless Refrigerator-Freezer WORK CLOTHES Thermos Bottle I97 Quirt sita. Reg. 3.97 I0 las r9 Fits standard bed size. Easy to clean covers.

Stays crisp fluffy. A terrific buy. M0TIV mv7 40, 60, 75, IOOwitt.4 par carton. MRS 95 340 9J (tun turn 0 i-i-ffrri y)C CLOCK RADIO Reg. ir 97 SOLID STATE RADIO AND BOYS WEAR Bessie Courville Manager Was 1390.95 Sale Ends 6-23-75 DOWNY Fabric Softener 157 LADIES DRESSES COAST GUARD APPROVED BOAT SEATS Adjustable cold controls, top and bottom Flush door hinging fits into corners 2 crispers, 1 meat pan, 3 full-width shelves Easy-to-clean porcelain enamel interior AND Beverly LaFleur Manager BOYS Hen.

I ISc oir Label Moi she Limit 2 SHOWER CURTAINS ONIY GIRLSWEAR SB Large Capacity All -Frostless 17.1 Cu. Ft. at a Great Low Price ,7 n.u.. Mananer Pure Bleach I A Tank Sprayer "9- $14.57 PULL-OVER TOPS Sizes S-M-L IN 100 nylon 197 Capitol 6 Track X-L 3 SPEED Selected Group IVORY LIQUID 77c Ke(. US 2 oi.

Kind site l.lmll 2 LLOYDS SOLID STAT! TAPE CASSETTE RECORDED 95 BOX FAN Made by Hunter Electric. WROUGHT IRON PATIO TABLES Reg3, 297 Kpandable steel construction. TO 88 395 fM JUNIOR DRESSES () UNRECORDED TAPE CARTRIDGES 64 minutes of recording I Rag. 4" Reg. 16.47 Reg.79c laetS out dirt detergent leaves In; Rust resistant.

Holds 2 gallons. Wide mouth. Reg. 23" Mndel 2 Vr) iirt.2r Ann 1 Porcelain enamel interior Adjustable cold controls in both sections 2 interior lights 3 full -width shelves Assorted sixes and colors Boy's walk Shorts 297 65 polyester and 35 cotton, frayed leg walk shorts. Aorttd solid colors.

Wei 8 to 1 8 in regulars and slims. Regular $3.99. 5711 Treat Your Horn to First Fidercl Loan If I say let Iw Meaty tt isms-st tr fix-es yew kM at First FsfsrtL Cams hi ssi Asms veer sins with vs. Wil work set mm lees rhst yw (sn sty back Is my, mentMy InitslliMfltt. Scam 1 1 tan Credit IMnn to Suit MohI Kvory Nucd I'ricca aru CataloK Price Shipping, Installation Extra Satixaction Guaranteed or Your Money Rack 22 -In.


88 Sim 7 In 1 1 I In lis. Mm mt rent I iitliiii, ln iine Sir ALL PURPOSE plastic pail 19c (iallnn site, Ideal (or ray rary handle. Reg. 4" in I II ni. 97 INCTN KING SIZE BEDSPREADS QUILTED 1700 157 HKAIIS, HOMIH AMM O.

AMY SHOPPING CENTER 457-9307 9:00 5:30 Mon. Sat. nm ft swflfi Of 0p9tMMM Rea.52c-limit 3 Reg. 2" BWaafm RrlKXs ft Ntralton Knglne Hat recoil starttr. 7-ln.

whaeli, lida dlfcharae, turbo deck with full safaty. Buy now! 4S9 last Landrv St. T.I 0A4.94a mm i.imii i e7 ni.ii. ln' Dirt out. Buy now at this big savings.

Jumbo Coronal Towels. Heavy duty paper towels. Buy now at this low pries. Adult lizt lift jacket. Coist Guird approved.

Adjuitable itrapt! Choice of bright colon. 24" grill with I Inch tubing. Weight 8 pounds. Packed one to a carton. Klin most hind ciimrras In lunke Ttl.

437.9513 (Direct Una).

The Eunice News from Eunice, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.