Light Clay Pokemon Radical Red (2025)

1. ItemDex - Light Clay

  • Missing: radical | Show results with:radical

  • Light Clay - Lists all details for the item including descriptions and locations across all Pokémon games

2. Light Clay - Bulbapedia

  • Missing: radical | Show results with:radical

  • From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

3. Pokémon Radical Red (VERSION 4.1 RELEASED! Gen 9 DLC Pokemon ...

4. Light Clay | Pokémon items - Pokemon Database

  • Missing: radical | Show results with:radical

  • Details for the Pokémon item Light Clay, including added effects and where to find it.

5. Pokemon Radical Red Item Locations - PokéPorto

  • Light Clay x1 From Lt. Surge after defeating him in a rematch (Not in Hardcore mode). Route 11. Awakening x1 In the top left corner, right from Diglett's Cave ...

  • All Pokemon Radical Red Item Locations. Pokemon Radical Red, at its core, is a difficulty hack with additional features; quite similar to Drayano60’s hacks,

6. Aurora Veil (move) - Bulbapedia

7. Fling (move) | Pokémon Uranium Wiki - Fandom

  • Share, Flame Orb, Fire Stone, Float Stone, Heart Scale, King's Rock, Leaf Stone, Life Orb, Light Ball, Light Clay, Lucky Egg, Luminous Moss, Magnet, Metal ...

  • Fling is an offensive Dark-type move. It is TM56, located outside of the Amatree Gym in versions 1.0.2 and beyond. Fling deals damage and consumes the user's held item. The item will be consumed, even if the target has protected themselves with a move like Protect. The power of Fling is determined by the held item. Black Glasses, Dread Plate, Muscle Band and Choice Band will boost the power of Fling. Expert Belt boosts the power of Fling if the attack is super effective. Life Orb boosts the powe

8. Grimmsnarl | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex

  • Light Clay. Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, or Reflect lasts 8 turns instead of 5. Ability. Prankster. This Pokemon's Status moves have priority ...

9. All Cheat Codes | Pokemon Radical Red ROM Hack - GameChampions

  • Apr 23, 2024 · 02A5 = Light Clay 02A6 = Life Orb 02A7 = Power Herb 02A8 = Toxic Orb 02A9 = Flame Orb 02AA = Quick Powder 02AB = Focus Sash 02AC = Zoom Lens

  • Check out the exhaustive list of all the Cheat Codes for Pokémon Radical Red using Game Shark or Action Replay. Boost your play today!

10. Light Clay Location and How to Get | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

  • Missing: radical | Show results with:radical

  • Light Clay is a Held Item in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). See the effects of Light Clay as well as how to find and obtain it.

11. Pokémon Radical Red Damage Calculator

  • Light Ball, Light Clay, Loaded Dice, Lopunnite, Love Ball, Love Sweet, Lucarionite, Lucky Punch, Lum Berry, Luminous Moss, Lunalium Z, Lure Ball, Lustrous Globe ...

  • Pokémon Radical Red Damage Calculator Select the generation. Select the output notation. 48th 100% Select the calculator's mode of function. One vs One Normal Mode Hardcore Mode Random Battles

Light Clay Pokemon Radical Red (2025)


How to get 3 light clay? ›

Upon reaching the town, players can utilize the large elevators present to approach the top level of the city if they are not already there. Once on the top level, players that move to the east end of the city will find the Delibird Presents, where they can buy a Light Clay for an expensive 20,000 Pokedollars.

Is light clay one time use? ›

When Light Clay, Heat Rock, and Damp Rock are held, their matching moves have their effects boosted to 8 turns without any other changes. So once its used, the move functions as normal except for the turn boosts. That stays even if you switch out or die until brick break/weather change/naturally runs out.

Does Light Clay work with an Aurora Veil? ›

If a Light Clay is held when Aurora Veil is used, it will extend the duration of Aurora Veil from 5 to 8 turns. If powered up by an Icium Z into Z-Aurora Veil, the user's Speed stat rises by one stage.

What Pokémon holds Light Clay? ›

GamesFinite methodsRepeatable methods
B2W2Route 4W2Held by wild Golurk (5% chance)
DW*Icy Cave
XYHeld by wild Golett and wild Golurk (5% chance each)
ORASHeld by wild Baltoy and wild Claydol (5% chance each)
11 more rows

What moves does Light Clay work with? ›

Light Clay (item)

A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of barrier moves like Light Screen and Reflect used by the holder.

How many turns does reflect last with Light Clay? ›

Reflect reduces damage from Physical attacks by 50%, for 5 turns. Its effects apply to all Pokémon on the user's side of the field. If the user is holding Light Clay when Reflect is used, its effects last for 8 turns.

Is Pokémon radical Red difficult? ›

Be prepared for a real challenge in Radical Red! Bosses have max IVs with proper EV spreads and optimized movesets/hold items, and you'll face tough team compositions and unfair obstacles. The battle style is forced to Set, and you won't be able to access your bag against Gym Leaders and other select bosses.

How to evolve cyclizar radical red? ›

Cyclizar does not evolve.

Does radical red have level cap? ›

Difficulty & Bosses

Additionally, there's a soft level cap based on the next boss, which prevents you from overleveling your Pokémon and encourages you to re-evaluate your team and strategy to defeat them.

Where can I get Light Clay platinum? ›

Locations. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: This item can sometimes be found while digging in the Sinnoh Underground and can also be found on Mt. Coronet. HeartGold/SoulSilver: This item can be found on Route 9 in Kanto.

What clay is best for making Pokemon? ›

The best type of clay for this project is polymer, or oven-bake, clay.

What level Pokemon does clay have? ›

He uses Ground-types. In Pokémon Black and White he uses a Level 29 Krokorok with Swagger, Torment, Crunch and Bulldoze. He also uses a Level 29 Palpitoad which carries Aqua Ring, Bubblebeam, Muddy Water and Bulldoze and his ace is a Level 31 Excadrill with Hone Claws, Slash, Rock Slide and Bulldoze.

How to get Light Clay in Pokémon Black? ›

Goletts carry them, you can go look for them in the dragon spiral tower and bring a pokemon with frisk and theif to get one. Golett can hold Light Clay at a 5% chance. The Sapphire Carbuncle: A fan of creamy creamy frosting.

Where to buy Light Clay in Pokémon Scarlet? ›

Available at Delibird Presents Shop (Cascarrafa)

Light Clay can be bought at the Delibird Presents shop for ₽20,000. This item is available at the beginning of the game.

Where can I buy Light Clay in Pokémon Unbound? ›

Light ClayGiven by Veteran in PokéCenter
Zygarde CellEast of Magnolia Cafe
Rare Bone(Hidden) Near Tauros
Moomoo MilkNear Tauros
1 more row

Where do you get Light Clay in HeartGold? ›

HeartGold/SoulSilver: This item can be found on Route 9 in Kanto. Black/White:This item can be found on wild Goletts and Golurks. The chance of finding this item on said Pokémon is 5%.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.