Brooks and the Collegiate Public, Reading Keats Together (2024)

New Critical Nostalgia: Romantic Lyric and the Crisis of Academic Life

Christopher Rovee



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New Critical Nostalgia: Romantic Lyric and the Crisis of Academic Life

Christopher Rovee


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Christopher Rovee

Christopher Rovee

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  • Published:

    January 2024


Rovee, Christopher, 'Brooks and the Collegiate Public, Reading Keats Together', New Critical Nostalgia: Romantic Lyric and the Crisis of Academic Life (New York, NY, 2024; online edn, Fordham Scholarship Online, 19 Sept. 2024),, accessed 8 Oct. 2024.





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This chapter explores the practices that guided the New Critical classroom, focusing on the renowned pedagogue Cleanth Brooks and the tense negotiations of authority that came into play in teaching poetry through “close reading.” Treating Brooks’s own classroom teaching alongside his modeling of pedagogy through criticism, this chapter reads his landmark study of John Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn” in The Well Wrought Urn as a dramatic text, in which he models close reading as a nostalgic and communal practice. This “close reading” practice is infused with social and moral purpose, idealistically figuring present as well as future scenes of reading as sites of social inclusion, even while summoning some of Agrarianism’s more conservative historical fantasies. At a time of explosive and potentially alienating growth in the American university, Brooks’s model of close classroom reading is resistant and communalizing, drawing a poem near to its readers and also drawing those readers near to one another.

Keywords: Cleanth Brooks, John Keats, nostalgia, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”, poetry, reading public, teaching, The Well Wrought Urn, universities


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